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Multimedia analyzer

ViCANdo from Zuragon is a multimedia software tool for development, physical testing, and validation of various applications such as vehicle fleets, hybrid-electric systems, active safety systems, autonomous vehicles, and HMI (human-machine interface) systems. Various kinds of data, including video, sound, GPS positioning, and embedded networks, can be handled in the same product. ViCANdo sessions create a log file for each source with date and time: JavaScript API post-processing and out-of-the-box access to interfaces, and QML API cross-platform and custom user interfaces. It is a multi-platform analyzer that can run on various operating systems such as Windows, Linux, Ubuntu, and Android. Other capabilities include up to eight video channels, eight CAN channels, and eight LIN channels; compatibility with most web cams; time stamp precision of 1 ms; and compatibility with Kvaser and Vector hardware. daVinci Technology Group has North American distribution rights for ViCANdo.

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