The following resources are included in your trial.
What’s Available in the SAE Mobilus® Experience?
Explore the features and benefits of the SAE Mobilus® technical resource platform with access to a sample selection of SAE’s 226,000+ high-value resources.
In addition, your trial includes the intuitive, feature-rich interface of the SAE Mobilus® technical resource platform, including:
- Dynamic Red-lining
Visual markup to revised standards that display the changes between revisions
- Customizable Dashboard
Keep pertinent materials accessible to users
- Personal Document Annotation
Highlight and add notes directly to the HTML version of a file
- Downloadable Datasets
Publications that contain tables, and have been converted to XML will have Data Sets available that were previously available in PDF and are now downloadable
Following your 30-day trial, you will have option to purchase a full subscription or explore customizable packages.