IAEG Board of Directors Approves Three New Work Groups: Life Cycle Assessment, 100% SAF Compatibility, and Circular Economy

IAEG New Work Groups
The International Aerospace Environmental Group (IAEG) is pleased to announce the initiation of three new working groups. The IAEG is a collaborative forum of leading aerospace companies that works to develop tools and resources on chemical regulatory and ESG topics for the industry. The launch of three new work groups is testament of IAEG’s efforts to drive leading edge solutions across the value chain, striving towards a responsible and sustainable aerospace industry.

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA):
The intent of this new work group is to develop an aerospace industry voluntary standard framework for Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) and potentially the Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) they support in a way that reflects environmental priorities for aerospace, improves process consistency and stakeholder confidence. The goal of an aerospace voluntary standard framework for the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) process is to remove process waste and accelerate progress towards environmental priorities for the aerospace sector.   A common approach, for unilateral and voluntary consideration and use by companies in the industry, for optimizing the calculation of aerospace product environmental footprint will reduce wasted effort in the extended supply chain.   It would ensure inclusion of data required for top level product sustainable design optimization and avoid the unnecessary collection of data that is not required.   It would provide consistent support for environmental product declarations and help develop sustainability assurance for consumers.

100% Sustainable Aviation Fuel (100% SAF) Compatibility: 
The IAEG team members will coordinate 100% paraffinic SAF testing efforts, for voluntary and unilateral consideration and use by industry members. The team will also engage infrastructure stakeholders to understand what adaptations may be required to support the transition to this fuel in airports. This will support airports, airlines, and other key parties as they prepare to support 100% SAF-compatible aircraft. Finally, the test results produced by the Work Group will help inform the American Society of Testing and Materials International as it develops a new standard for SAF.

Circular Economy:
This work group will focus at enabling more circular practices in aviation and aerospace, focusing first on commercial aviation, driven by the imperative to combat climate change and reduce resource consumption. Its initial focus will be to assess the circular economy regulatory landscape applying to commercial aviation, improving voluntary, sectoral practices for the removal, treatment and re-use of parts and materials from end-of-life products (including cabin during the operational life of the aircraft), as well as assessing and establishing voluntary guidance for circularity metrics and reporting standards. The group will also work at enabling more circular practices for materials coming from end-of-life aircraft. Ultimately, this work group will contribute to reducing the volume of ultimate waste from commercial aviation and to adapting the sector to material scarcity.

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About IAEG
The International Aerospace Environmental Group (IAEG) is a not-for-profit trade association of companies offering civil or defence aerospace products (including platforms and systems) and services in the global aerospace industry. IAEG’s purpose is to promote industry common interests by implementing initiatives that will drive significant and cost-effective improvements in the environmental performance of aerospace products and in the industry’s associated supply chain. It also works to identify feasible and appropriate means to drive continual improvement in aerospace industry manufacturing and supply chain processes, thereby supporting delivery of cost effective and consistently high-quality products with reduced environmental impacts.

For additional information about IAEG, please visit the IAEG website at www.iaeg.com or contact Steve Crumb, IAEG Program Director (scrumb@iaeg.com) or Kathleen Oldham, IAEG Communication Officer (koldham@bellflight.com).
IAEG Media Contact: 
Michele Lawrie-Munro
IAEG Senior Program Manager
mlawriemunro@iaeg.com Continue reading »