Browse Publications Technical Papers 2019-26-0333

Solutions for Emission Robustness of BS VI Phase II Respecting the Market Specific Requirements 2019-26-0333

Most stringent emission legislations have been implemented in all major markets to improve air quality across the past years. This effects the product cost of the vehicles which is considered being critical and needs to be minimized. India suffers from bad air quality and countermeasures have been defined. One being the implementation of similar emission standards than EU VI. By doing so, India takes a large step going from the currently effective BS IV directly to BS VI. Emission reduction is currently mainly handled by the usage of EGR, thus no engine aftertreatment system has been applied. BS VI will require an aftertreatment (EAS) concept with several catalysts and corresponding control system.
India is a very cost sensitive market and a carry over of solutions from the EU needs to be evaluated carefully and new approaches need to be found.
While the enforcement of BS VI Phase I does not dictate any in-service conformity factors yet, phase II (planned implementation 2023) possibly enforces a conformity factor of 1,5 for pollutants as well as more stringent OBD requirements.
In this paper different engine + EAS concepts will be presented and evaluated in terms of emission compliance and product cost. One interesting technology route for N3 applications could be a non EGR approach. In order to master the challenges for that approach AVL´s unique controls and diagnosis concept with focus on emission robustness will be presented and explained.


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