Browse Publications Technical Papers 2023-01-0453

Impact of Sampling Time, Actuation/measurement Delays and Controller Calibration on Closed-loop Frequency Response for Non-linear Systems 2023-01-0453

During input tracking, closed-loop performance is strongly influenced by the dynamic of the system under control. Internal and external delays, such as actuation and measurement delays, have a detrimental effect on the bandwidth and stability. Additionally, production controllers are discrete in nature and the sampling time selection is another critical factor to be considered. In this paper we analyze the impact of both transported delay and controller sampling time on tracking performance using an electric machine speed-control problem as an example. A simple linear PI controller is used for this exercise. Furthermore, we show how the PI parameters can be adjusted to maintain a certain level of performance as the delays and sampling times are modified. This is achieved through an optimization algorithm that minimizes a specifically designed cost function.


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