Browse Publications Technical Papers 2023-01-1505

Three-Layered Design, Protection & Control of Lunar DC Microgrids Utilizing WBG-Based Flexible DC Energy Router 2023-01-1505

The reliable operation of power systems on the lunar surface is crucial for critical research activities and supporting life. These systems are standalone or interconnected grids that integrate intermittent power sources and distributed energy storage. Lunar microgrids must be highly reliable, reconfigurable, and efficient. To meet these requirements, we propose the flexible DC energy router (FeDER), a modular and scalable power management unit for interconnected lunar DC microgrids. The FeDER integrates local energy storage and addresses various microgrid power management needs such as fault management, stability enhancement, power flow regulation, and power quality improvement. The lunar DC microgrids' design, protection, and control are achieved using a three-layered approach: (1) graph theory, (2) energy management system, and (3) smart resistor control. The lunar power grid architecture is introduced and the FeDER stability enhancement is implemented in the OPAL-RT platform. The effectiveness of the FeDER in dc grids is demonstrated with a load power step test case.


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