Browse Publications Technical Papers 2024-01-2764

On the Investigation of Car Steady-State Cornering Equilibria and Drifting 2024-01-2764

This paper proposes a thorough investigation of steady-state cornering equilibria for cars. Besides equilibria corresponding to normal driving behaviour - herein denoted as stable-normal turn, drifting is attracting increasing attention. When discussing drifting, it is typically assumed that yaw rate and steering angle have opposite signs, i.e. the driver is countersteering, and the rear axle is saturated. Interestingly, another unstable equilibrium is possible, herein referred to as unstable-normal turn. In this work, an attempt to give a comprehensive definition of drift is made. An inverse model is proposed to compute the driver inputs needed to perform a steady-state turn for a given radius and sideslip angle. The mathematical meaning of all equilibria is explored by linearizing the system and analyzing eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the resulting state matrices.


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