AMS-02 Electronics TV-TB Tests: Testing Philosophy for Small-Series Production 2004-01-2311
The thermal vacuum / thermal balance test design and execution are described in the paper for the qualification campaign of 37 electronic units flown with the payload of ISS (International Space Station), i.e., AMS-02 (Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer). The tests are run in 10 separate test campaigns, across a time frame of 3 years (2002–2005). The tests have been carried on at NSPO (National Space Program Office in Taiwan), maximizing the time usage of thermal vacuum facilities. During each experimental campaign several units are tested at the same time, sharing the vacuum chamber volume. Because independent heaters are applied to each unit, the electronic crates can be tested at temperature levels different from one another. The reliability of thermal analysis is enhanced at each thermal balance test, with the final aim to fully validate the thermal mathematical model deviating less than 3°C from actual measurements. The methodology, test results, and model correlations are presented in the paper with highlights on the “learning curve” across the time. Future activities toward completion are discussed as well.