Browse Publications Technical Papers 2023-01-7002

Matching and Optimization Design of Electric Drive Assembly Mounting System of Electric Vehicle 2023-01-7002

The design method for the powertrain mounting system in internal combustion engine vehicles is well-established. Electric vehicles experience higher vibration frequencies and more significant transient responses when accelerating or braking than fuel vehicles due to their high speed and fast response. Therefore, the design of the electric drive assembly mounting system requires further development. The modeling of electric drive assembly mounting systems often neglects the mounting bracket’s influence, which significantly affects the center of mass and rotational inertia of the electric drive assembly. This paper examines the effect of the mounting bracket in the electric drive assembly mounting system. It establishes a mathematical model with six degrees of freedom for the mounting system, considering the mounting bracket. By comparing the natural characteristics and the transient response, it is discussed whether the mass of the mounting bracket greatly influences the system. Further analysis determines the effect of mounting position and stiffness on the mounting system. Ultimately, the mounting stiffness is optimized for design.


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