Browse Publications Technical Papers 2023-28-0006

Implementation of IR Cut and Solar Green Glass to Optimize the Heat Load for Air Conditioning in Electric Buses 2023-28-0006

Commercial electric vehicle air conditioning system keeps occupants comfortable, but at the expense of the energy used from the battery of vehicle. Passengers around the world are increasingly requesting buses with HVAC/AC capabilities. There is a need to optimise current air conditioning systems taking into account packaging, cost, and performance limits due to the rising demand for cooling and heating globally. Major elements contributing to heat ingress are traction motor, front firewall, windshield & side glasses and bus body parts. These elements contribute to the bus’s poor cooling and lack of passenger comfort.
This topic refers to the reduction of the heat ingress through usage of different glass technology like IR Cut & solar green glass with different types of coating.
The finding from the theoretical analysis, it indicates that overall heat load reduction of the electric buses was reduced by ~6-7% improvement with different specifications of glasses as compared to the existing design. It helps in decrease in power consumption and improved range of electric bus increased by 1.5%
Implementation of in commercial vehicles will be very essential for passenger comfort in high ambient conditions. Additionally, this technology’s FE enhancement will lower harmful carbon emissions. Consequently, we can classify this technology as an environmentally beneficial innovation.


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