Browse Publications Technical Papers 2024-01-2507

Unique curved based seat design for better ride comfort 2024-01-2507

Designing an automotive seat, it is required to perform a detailed study of anthropometry, which deals with measurement of human individuals and understanding human physical variations. It also requires application-based movement study of driver’s hands, feet’s & overall body movement. It is very difficult to design seat curvatures based on any static manikin-based software.
We at VECV, have developed a new concept using mixed reality VR technology to capture all body movements for designing best in class seat curvature to accommodate variety of drivers with different body types.
We have designed a specialized static bunk, which has a wide range of seat, steering and ABC paddle adjustments, which are integrated with virtual data. We use to study and capture the data of driving position and other ergonomic postures of wide range of people with different body types on this static bunk according to their comfortable driving posture. In this comfortable driving posture, user is immersed in virtual environment, where we further study different body movements as per different applications. This data is used to design seat curvatures to achieve best driving comfort for long range driving. POC of concept design is completed.


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