Development of New Aluminum Alloy Bearing with Overlay 950952
Aluminum alloy bearing with overlay, which was developed for automotive engine bearing material, has both advantages of conventional aluminum bearing and copper-lead bearing with overlay.
This new bearing consists of four(4) layers of tin overlay, nickel intermediate layer, aluminum alloy lining and back steel.
This paper reports that seizure, fatigue and wear resistance are improved in order to prevent nickel exposure which may easily seize on the entire sliding surface from the interface structure between the overlay and aluminum alloy and maintain low tin-nickel compound creation which is prepared by the intermediate layer due to heat from the overlay plating bath; which is also examined.
Citation: Suga, S., Hong, S., Kaku, Y., Kamiya, S. et al., "Development of New Aluminum Alloy Bearing with Overlay," SAE Technical Paper 950952, 1995, Download Citation